Please join the Nebraska Writing Project at NETA!
Thursday, April 19, from 5:00-5:45 Room 208 of CenturyLink Center
We are hosting a fun networking and professional development event following NETA Day 1 entitled “Speed Geeking!”
Connect with fellow educators who are passionate about using writing and technology together. Anyone can get up and “geek out” about the ways they use technology with their students. Think speed dating, but with
cool tech projects!
Each participant gets 5 minutes or less to present their tech idea. We’ll provide the projector, connections, and speakers. The more, the merrier at this high-energy event! If you’re interested, come on by room 208 of CenturyLink after the final session of NETA Day 1! The event will be hosted by NeWP board members Jennifer Troester of O’Neill High School and Melissa Legate of Pierce High School.