Transcript of presentation speech by Robert Brooke, NeWP Director
We recognize Vann Price for her support of Nebraska Writing Project programs and partnerships at North Star High School in Lincoln, Nebraska. Dr. Price is nominated by Melanie Farber, Chair of English at North Star; Tara Moore, English teacher at North Star, and Susan Martens of UNL’s preservice English program. They write:
Vann has been supportive of all kinds of NeWP “extension” work—whether that’s taking students on mini-writing marathons or sponsoring partnership programs with UNL pre-service teachers. When approached about participating with the Nebraska Writing Project and the Embedded Institute, Vann was immediately on board. She helped to put together the necessary documentation and data to help us secure the grant and was willing to help find extra money to pay participants if that was going to be necessary. She has not only allowed us to use some building PLC time to get our work accomplished, she has granted participants building staff development hours because she recognizes the immense commitment of her teachers. As a former Summer Institute participant herself, Vann Price knows the professional growth that comes from participating in anything related to the National Writing Project.
NeWP Teacher Consultant and North Star High School teacher Tara Moore writes,
For the last two years, my English 11 class has greatly benefited from a partnership program with University of Nebraska-Lincoln pre-service teachers. This collaboration would not be possible without the support of North Star’s principal, Vann Price. When I first approached Vann about the partnership, she was immediately enthusiastic and willing to help in any way possible because it was in the best interests of our students. She helped me plan and make the necessary arrangements to host UNL students each week for the partnership.
When we discussed the logistics of a field trip to UNL for my students to meet with their small groups, tour the campus, and have lunch, I shared with her my concern of lack of finances as most of my students receive free or reduced lunch. Vann listened and nodded, understanding they would be unable to pay. Without hesitation she offered to pay for all of their lunches. When the day of the field trip arrived, she helped transport students to UNL when a parent was unable make it at the last minute. This is only a small snapshot to illustrate the dedication Vann has to our students.
We are very grateful for administrators like Vann Price who support us in implementing the programs that we know, through our work with the NeWP, can have the greatest impact in improving writing instruction for students and in creating effective professional development for teachers. Recognizing Vann’s work through this award would bring well-deserved attention to her excellent leadership and also help showcase what’s possible when teachers, students, universities, and administrators work together through well-developed networks like the NeWP.”
Please join us in recognizing Vann Price with the Nebraska Writing Project 2013 Administrator Certificate of Recognition.