Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve often had people find out what I do and ask, “What’s it like to be a teacher?” There’s not a way to really help
Category: Teachers Write Their Lives
Sometimes our writing is done simple for the sake of ourselves, to share the lines that are living within us. Here, we share the writing that shares our lives.

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Brenda Larabee Summertime Series: Post 1 Editor’s Note: As the season turns to fall and winter, the Nebraska Writing Project is sharing some summer

Reading Time: 3 minutes“Not Perfect, but Good” By Rae Carlson Author’s Note: This poem reads two ways. Read it straight down as usual, then take a moment and

Reading Time: 3 minutesAuthor’s Note: Much of this writing began on a writing marathon at St. Benedict’s Retreat Center in Schuyler, Nebraska in late July, 2020. While out

Reading Time: 2 minutesBy Emily Fisher I open my eyes to the quiet murmurs down the hall – slippered feet pad upon the tile floor. The coffee aroma

Reading Time: < 1 minuteagriculture: wheels, writing, nature different paths worker bees making up hopes within tears working throughout the night chaff spreader returning the chaff steam rises (like

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA Trip Through Wolfram Alpha it is less thanan hour til tomorrow in Tokyo *and the medianPokedex numberfor Pokemon withBlue
Reading Time: 3 minutesBeing a Nebraskan, I have within me a juxtaposition of pride and humility. I know I am capable – every Nebraskan is capable. Our state