Reading Time: 3 minutesMy brother and I are three years and one day apart. He, the older, was and still is considered by his siblings as “The Golden
Category: Blog Posts
The best teachers of writers are writers themselves.

Reading Time: 4 minutes“Do You Even Like Being a Teacher?” “Why would Mr. So-and-So have chosen to be just a high school teacher? He’s so smart.” “I can’t

Reading Time: 2 minutesDonald Graves once said that you can’t really teach a kid until you know ten things about them. I think even one thing can make

Reading Time: 3 minutesBy Cynthia Ybarra I remember him and when I close my eyes, I can see myself, standing in his room, looking down at him. This

Reading Time: 4 minutesAuthor’s Note: This is the second part of the garden saga, introduced in this post. I hope this gives a little encouragement to engage with

Reading Time: 3 minutesAuthor’s Note: This writing came from a virtual writing marathon, where we were encouraged to write around our place of residence. Since the day was

Reading Time: < 1 minuteBystanders and their complicity Some men and their women And the children they raise Politicians and legislators and Those who oppress us. They would steal,

Reading Time: 2 minutesI don’t recall the names of the towns that we drove through that afternoon. We stayed clear of the freeways, traveling on two-lane back highways

Reading Time: 2 minutesBy Melissa Legate, Pierce High School, Nebraska Writing Project The research paper. It’s a staple in so many classrooms across grade levels and subject areas.

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Brenda Larabee Summertime Series: Post 1 Editor’s Note: As the season turns to fall and winter, the Nebraska Writing Project is sharing some summer