Reading Time: 3 minutesExperience what it’s like to dig into a poetry experience based around the features of Agate Fossil National Monument with Agate Rangers, Writing Project teachers,
Author: Rachel Jank

Reading Time: 4 minutesI have written in the city and in the country, in kayaks, buses, bars, restaurants, cafes, bookstores, art galleries and museums, next to rivers –

Reading Time: 2 minutesBy Emily Fisher I open my eyes to the quiet murmurs down the hall – slippered feet pad upon the tile floor. The coffee aroma

Reading Time: < 1 minuteagriculture: wheels, writing, nature different paths worker bees making up hopes within tears working throughout the night chaff spreader returning the chaff steam rises (like
Reading Time: 3 minutesBeing a Nebraskan, I have within me a juxtaposition of pride and humility. I know I am capable – every Nebraskan is capable. Our state

Reading Time: 5 minutesInquiry is a buzz word in 21st Century education. I’ve seen it on mission statements, college banners, professional development descriptions and teacher bios. If you
Reading Time: 4 minutes“Mrs. Schmidt, did you know that the budget issues in the district stem from a bill in the Nebraska Legislature? I think I’m going to
Reading Time: 6 minutesOn a hot August day, 2009, I stepped in front of the first group of students who I could call “my students.” Prior to this