Reading Time: 4 minutesEmptiness through Isolation Isolated. Exhausted. Depleted. The three feelings which most accurately portray my physical and emotional state at the end of my fourth year
Author: Dylan Williams

Reading Time: 4 minutesJonas typically sat in silence throughout my entire class period, a downtrodden look on his face. He made it crystal clear he did not want

Reading Time: 5 minutesAnother email, another professional development meeting, another day of planning lost. When I was first introduced to the College, Career, and Community Writer’s Project (C3WP),

Reading Time: 2 minutesBy: Stephanie Hurt, Greater Madison Writing Project Getting student voices out into the world is something many teachers strive to do. An immediate, highly-visible way

Reading Time: < 1 minuteOn November 17, 2021, six veterans read their writing, featured in a newly-published anthology, to an assembly of family members and supporters at UNL’s East

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt was the end of the period in English 9. My students and I were wrapping up day four of a mini-unit on argument writing,

Reading Time: < 1 minuteOxbow’s Fall Writing Marathon is scheduled for Saturday, November 20 from Noon to 3:00 at the Joslyn Art Museum. The members of Oxbow are extending a

Reading Time: < 1 minuteOn Sat. October 16th, the Writing Lincoln Initiative met up in Pioneers Park for a 3-hour long writing marathon. The marathon included six UNL graduate

Reading Time: 4 minutesCrossing the state line to see my grandparents meant crossing into a new world. It required a mental shift, shelving the knowledge I’d accumulated from

Reading Time: 3 minutesAuthor’s Note: Much of this writing began on a writing marathon at St. Benedict’s Retreat Center in Schuyler, Nebraska in late July, 2020. While out